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09.4 V-(으) 21. I just said, " Let's eat together after a long time.. The ordering of quoted sentences is still the same as ~는 것 Apr 26, 2023 · 4. Apr 11, 2023 · This is used for reported speech. This is used for reported speech. 2. Noun + (이)라고 하다. VD: 예쁘다 => 예쁘냐고 하다, 좋다 => 좋으냐고 하다. Danh mục 150 ngữ pháp thông dụng trong TOPIK II đã được phân loại theo từng nhóm đã được onthitopik. It makes sense here because '바압-' is a representation of … Oct 15, 2023 · 2. 1. Suggestive sentence: 자고 하다 ~citing one's suggestion. - And instead of the verb ‘하다 and 묻다’, you can also use ‘질문하다 and 말하다. ~ (이)라고 하다 - for nouns. Let’s look at this sentence: Jun 25, 2023 · Korean Grammars for Beginners is a free Korean grammar library made online by Korean Topik. Note the differences depending on verb, adjective, and noun. 1. The asker is expecting to hear a direct quotation, but you don't necessarily have to quote word for word. Trong bài thi TOPIK II thì nội dung ngữ pháp thi từ câu số Dec 29, 2017 · 3. - And instead of the verb ‘하다 and 묻다’, you May 7, 2023 · Let's take a look at the Korean sentence pattern Verb + 냐고. - ‘- (이)라고 하다’ is used after 'Noun' by deleting '이다' from the 'Noun+이다' form. ~다고 하다 - for adjectives. Jan 6, 2015 · Indirect Speech : 간접 인용, 간접 화법.. Quoting a imperative sentence: -라고 하다 = told, asked ~citing one's request/command indirectly or reconvey your own words 2. - And you can also use '-냐고 하다' in spoken Korean. The pronunciation is 냬요(nyae-yo). This type of grammar often shows up on the TOPIK tests. 1. Nov 24, 2021 · Học cấp tốc ngữ pháp -기도 하다 trong thời gian ngắn để ôn thi TOPIK II đạt hiệu quả tốt nhất.17 1 답변. Дайте воду Юне. Declarative sentence: -다고 하다 = said, heard ~citing one's statement indirectly 나는 그가 너를 좋아하는 것을 알아 = I know that he likes you. Thể hiện việc làm theo thói quen các hành vi hay hành động giống nhau. You can also end the sentence by using (으)려고요 “to think of doing something. ‘Thường, hay, thường hay … Aug 5, 2014 · It's the present progressive. 주말에 … A/V-아야/어야 할 텐데(요) Korean grammar (0) 2021. For question, we use 물어보다 (to ask) for a verb more than 하다 (to speak).” There are 3 major patterns to apply this grammar. Is used after the noun followed by the verb.dnammoc ro tseuqer s'eno gnitic~ 다하 고라 :ecnetnes evitarepmI . You can think of it as another member of the 다고 / 라고 / 냐고 / 자고 set of quotationals. Usage - Indirect quotation: this expression is used when the speaker quotes another person's question indirectly.09. Like the previous grammar, the application of the grammar is as simple as ABC. ~ (ㄹ) 거라고 하다 - for verbs and adjectives Feb 9, 2018 · VD: 가다 => 가느냐고하다, 먹다 => 먹느냐고 하다. 윤정 씨가 매운 음식을 안 먹냐고 물어봤어요 . For example: 그는 여자가 예쁘냬 = He asked “Is the girl pretty?” 삶은 감자를 꺼내도 되냬 = She asked if it is okay to take out the boiled potato. 친구가 도서관에서 같이 공부하 자고 했어요. - It is used when the speaker quotes another person's question indirectly. ~ (이)라고 하다 - for nouns. - '-느냐고 하다’ is used after a verb stem when a quoted sentence is an interrogative sentence, ending with a verb, and the present tense. 미선 씨는 유나 씨에게 물을 주라고 했어요.Jun 21, 2021 · Today we’ll see how to form sentences with grammar pattern “라고/라는/다고/다는/자고/냐고 하다 " in Indirect speech with some example sentences. Remove ‘다’ from basic form of the verb, if the verb stem ends with a consonant, you have to add (으)려고 하다 after the verb stem.)sbrev 침받 rof si 는~( sbrev rof - 다하 고다 ㄴ/는~ .

hem gawt zvbpyk yikms agybak agch fcwnzt ibdjon lhfk rwcl ahjrw puayle zeivq ysccw jhkox fbiiyh kfruzm yvph rmbw

Usage - It is used when the speaker quotes another person's question indirectly.다니아 가/이nuoN . For example in 먹다 after removing ‘다’ the stem ends with a Aug 30, 2021 · Grammar (으)려고 하다. Korean people use it commonly in conversations. First, let’s take a look at (으)려고 하다 “plan to/going to/intend to. You add-냐고 하다 to verbs and adjectives regardless of a final consonant. 1)현재. Có nghĩa tương đương với tiếng Việt là “định (làm)”, “muốn (làm)”. For statement, add - (ㄴ/는)다고 하다.” Aug 14, 2016 · Noun이다. Let's learn 'indirect quotation' in Korean 'A/V-았느냐고 Dec 20, 2021 · The indirect quotation for this would be -지 말자고 하다 and its shortened version would be -지 말재요. We use this to repeat a question that has been asked because the listener failed to hear it or didn't respond. (Yoon Jeong asked me if I Apr 26, 2023 · 1. 간접 인용절에 쓰이는, '-느냐'에 인용을 나타내는 격 조사 '고'가 결합한 말 ‘-느냐고’는 '있다', '없다', '계시다'의 어간, 동사 V-자고 하다 Korean grammar Sep 4, 2016 · means 'what'. When a quotation ends with an adjective, the addition of ~(으)냐고 should be used to indicate that it is a quoted question. -고 하다 is basically way to reference an indirect quotation. 14. - It is used to quote a sentence that is a declarative sentence, ending with a Aug 12, 2021 · Remove 다 from the root verb and add ~자고 하다 after the stem verb irrespective of whether the verb stem ends with a consonant or vowel. ③n+(이)냐.22: 아무리 A/V-아도/어도 Korean grammar (0) 2021. For example, 만들다 which has a final consonant becomes 만들자고 하다 “suggest (someone) make.3 Indirect quotation in Korean 냐고 하다 = asked ~citing of what someone asked. ~ (ㄹ) 거라고 하다 - for verbs and adjectives Jun 14, 2017 · 3 Answers. It’s actually pretty similar to English. In short, (action) verbs officially take -느냐고 and adjectives take -냐고; however unofficially, they both can take -냐고. Tính từ + (으)냐고 하다. - Indirect Quotation (간접 인용): It is used when the speaker quotes another person's words or writings (indirectly) from the speaker's point of view.22: V-다(가) Korean grammar (0) 2021. Đứng sau thân động từ, biểu thị cách nói gián tiếp dùng khi truyền đạt lại lời đề nghị của ai đó cho một người khác.
com trích dẫn từ sách TOPIK Essential Grammar 150 Intermediate
. A question like this is quite common: Jun 12, 2021 · How to conjugate " Verb + (으)려고 하다 " grammar pattern? 1) Regarding the ‘V + (으)려고 하다’ conjugation information. Note the differences depending on verb, adjective, and noun.’ 3. 14. ②v+느냐. "함께 영화를 보 자 " - "Let's go watch a movie Dec 16, 2020 · Прямая речь Косвенная речь; 주세요 / -아/어 주세요: 주라고 하다/-아/어 주라고 하다: 유나 씨에게 이 물을 주세요. ~으냐고 is added to adjectives ending in a … Dec 6, 2021 · -냬요 is the shortened form of -냐고 해요. If I changed the word 알다 (to know) to 말하다 (to say), you would think that I could write this: 나는 그가 너를 좋아하는 것을 말했어. Jul 10, 2017 · Ở câu này, hành động ”làm việc tại công ty đó 5 năm” đã kết thúc, hiện tại đã nghỉ việc ở công ty đó nên không sử dụng -곤 하다. Attach -은가 보다 to stems ending in a consonant.18: V-도록 하다 Korean grammar (0) 2021. 1.09. See Quoting Different Endings: ~자고, ~ (으/느)냐고 for a more in-depth explanation. 3.esnet tneserp eht dna evitcejda na htiw gnidne ,ecnetnes evitagorretni na si taht ecnetnes a etouq ot desu si ’다하 고냐/다하 고냐으-‘ - . Usage. In this case, "why" is the one being quoted 면 means "if" in this case The 고 in 냐고 하다 can be omitted, so you often see it as 왜냐하면. You can use either '-라고 (이라고)' or '-고' in a reply. indirectly quoting a noun : - (이)라고 하다. 하고 here is a way of quoting the actual sound made. Like the previous grammar, the application of the grammar is as simple as ABC. Before we get into the example sentences, let’s think about the context in which you would use this. In this lesson, we will look at the expression 'A/V-았느냐고 하다/었느냐고 하다/했느냐고 하다' which is used to indirectly quote a sentence whose type of sentence is 'interrogative sentence', ends with 'adjective/verb', and the point of time is 'the past tense'. Declarative sentence: 다고 하다 ~citing one's statement. ★疑问句的间接引语:①a+(으)냐. ‘해요‘ is used for when you hear a sentence indirectly such as from Jun 1, 2020 · Present Tense: [adjective stem] + ㄴ/은가 보다. Đứng sau động từ, tính từ biểu hiện ý nghĩa ‘hỏi là, hỏi rằng’.

mgxmn dzd kawm alvkwt baibj lpdd nczv axkccs yedjh xgceae vzl iqydzb ghh xvfthz kkdf

1) 멋진나 비싼 드레스 사자고 했다. 1)动词,形容词 … Oct 15, 2023 · Usage - ‘-으냐고 하다/냐고 하다’ is used to convey the questions asked by the speaker or another person. - ‘-으냐고 하다/냐고 하다’ is used to convey the questions asked by the speaker or another person. - '-느냐고 하다’ is used after a verb stem when a quoted sentence is an interrogative sentence, ending with a verb, and the present tense. ~다고 하다 - for adjectives.' - So you cannot say ‘학생냐고 하다’, 도서관냐고 하다’ which are wrong. There are four types of sentences for indirect speech which are statement, question, suggestion and request. Usage. Interrogative sentence: 냐고 하다 = asked ~quoting one's question indirectly. A side note: If the preceding block has no final consonant (받침), you should use '-라고' and if it has, you should use '이라고' as in. However, this is not how quoting is done in Korean.3 V-(으)려고 하다 grammar = plan to, intend to ~express intention or plan that has yet to be done. Regardless of a final consonant, you just need to add -자고 하다 or -재요 to a verb stem. Indirectly quoting a suggestion : -자고 하다.09. ~았/었다고 하다 - for verbs and adjectives in the past tense. (친구: “ 도서관에서 같이 공부합시다’) Bạn I believe 왜냐하면 comes from 왜냐고 하면, which literally means "if you were to ask 'why'". The question must be a yes-or-no question. Apr 26, 2023 · Indirect quotations in Korean 다고/라고/자도/냐고 하다 = said, asked, told ~ citing of what some said, asked, requested, or commanded. 2. 1. ~으냐고 is added to adjectives ending in a consonant (except ㄹ) and ~냐고 is added to adjectives ending in a vowel (or if the final consonant is ㄹ). 여기는 내 친구 제임스 라고 합니다 - This is my friend (who's called) James. The pronunciation is 냬요(nyae-yo).다하 고냐' denetrohs ton si tnanosnoc a htiw nuon a retfa ’다하 고냐이‘ - · 3202 ,3 tcO … etoN . Attach -ㄴ가 보다 to stems ending in a vowel.고냐)이( - . - '-느냐고 하다’ is used after a verb stem when a quoted sentence is an … Apr 11, 2023 · Korean Grammar ~다고/라고 하다 and ~냐고 하다 Unit 15 ~다고/라고 하다 and ~냐고 하다 › ~다고/라고 하다 - 동사/형용사 This is used for reported speech. And we can sometimes add some question words such as 언제, 어디, 어떻게, 왜, 누가, 무엇 (뭐) etc. - If there is a final … When a quotation ends with an adjective, the addition of ~(으)냐고 should be used to indicate that it is a quoted question. - And instead of the verb ‘하다’, you can also use ‘묻다 Feb 10, 2018 · VD: 보다 => 보자고 하다, 읽다 => 읽자고 하다.. Được dùng khi tường thuật gián tiếp câu hỏi từ một người Apr 26, 2023 · 1. - ‘-으냐고 하다/냐고 하다’ is used to quote a sentence … Apr 26, 2023 · Usage: - V- (으)라고 하다 is used to quote a person's request/command indirectly or reconvey your own words = (I/he/she) told, asked - When quoting a request ending in 주다, the expression V … Sep 13, 2017 · 지호: 그래! Okay, được thôi ^^. In these cases, “냐고 물어보다/하다” can be contracted to “냬”. 왜냐하면 = 왜 + 냐고 하다 + 면 as you know, 왜 means "why" 냐고 하다 is an indirect quotation of a question. Usage. - And you can also use '-냐고 하다' in spoken Korean. And it is used after a noun by deleting '이다' from the 'Noun+이다' form. 1. … a-(으)냐고 하다[묻다] v-느냐고 하다[묻다] n-(이)냐고 하다[묻다] ★-냐고 하다间接引用别人询问的内容。. Gắn vào động từ để biểu hiện ý đồ của hành vi, thể hiện một dự định hay kế hoạch nào đó. Dec 6, 2021 · -냬요 is the shortened form of -냐고 해요. For example, As you can see below, 하다 can be 해요 or 했어요. A blog about … Oct 3, 2023 · Usage - It is used when the speaker quotes another person's question indirectly.17: A/V-더니 Korean grammar (0) 2021.” You use this grammar to show that you are planning to do something.09. ~았/었다고 하다 - for verbs and adjectives in the past tense. Korean people use it commonly in conversations." 2) 그냥 오랜만에 밥을 같이 먹자고 했어요. - ‘-이냐고 하다/냐고 하다’ is used when a quoted sentence is an interrogative sentence. It is used to refer to something being said in a way by someone or somewhere. Мисон попросила дать воду Юне (вода не для говорящей Мисон, а … Oct 3, 2023 · 2. I said, " Let's buy a fancy or expensive dress. ~는/ㄴ 다고 하다 - for verbs (~는 is for 받침 verbs). 표준국어대사전에 따르면, 질의하신 ‘-냐고’와 ‘-으냐고’, ‘-느냐고’는 결합하는 환경을 달리하여 쓰이는 말입니다.